Our Surgery during Coronavirus

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Non-urgent advice: Please note

Do not come to the surgery unless you have an appointment.

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, all online bookings have been suspended and we have introduced new ways to contact the Practice, and new ways of consulting with patients.

The clinicians are now screening all appointment requests and we will try to help you by phone – or video call initially. When necessary patients will be offered a face to face consultation.

By only bringing in patients who really cannot be helped over the phone / by video call, we are all helping to limit the spread of coronavirus.

  • All enquiries and appointment requests will be screened by a GP. You will then be contacted offering a choice of appointment options
  • Face-to-face appointments remain available to all patients, but will only be booked in a timed slot, with an appropriate member of our team, if necessary, and after discussion with one of the GPs
  • Routine vaccinations (child and adult) & cancer screening tests (smears etc) are continuing as a priority
  • Phone and video appointments are available to all patients, via secure NHS software, and might be the safest most convenient option.
  • Online forms are available to submit queries and ask for non urgent advice and administrative queries.

If you are asked to come into the surgery for a face-to-face appointment, please remember to wear a face covering. Measures are in place to keep you safe from infection during your visit to the surgery. This may include a temperature check on arrival, a one way flow through the building (entrance via the main door, exit via a separate door) and all appointments will be limited to less than 10 minutes where possible.